Keep Your Home Pest-Free This Winter

A rodent is one of the many common winter pests that invade central Iowa homes each year - Springer Professional Home Services

Many people think that pest infestations only happen in the spring and summer, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. Just like us, pests and insects seek out shelter and warmth in the colder months, which is why winter infestations are more common than you may think. Rodents, cockroaches, and even bed bugs are just a few of the many pests known to stick around in the winter months. To avoid the frustration of a pest infestation during the holiday season, keep reading for Springer’s top tips for preventing winter pests!

Winter Pest Problems in Iowa

If you live in Iowa, you know that pest infestations are a fact of life year-round. During the winter, many bugs and insects may seemingly disappear to not return again until the springtime. However, some pests will invade homes this time of year in search of food and shelter. The most common winter pest problems are from:

  • Rodents (rats & mice): The house mouse and Norway rat will easily squeeze their way indoors to escape the cold.
  • Bed bugs: Known to withstand extreme temperatures, bed bug infestations are common in the winter months.
  • Spiders: House spiders as well as black widows are often found indoors in dark, secluded corners.
  • German cockroaches: These common roaches hitchhike inside and can spread quickly throughout your home.

Pest-Proofing Your Home in the Winter

In order to prevent winter pests, it’s important to learn how to protect your home. Exclusion is one of the most reliable forms of pest control, as it denies pests access into your home in the first place! By sealing cracks and crevices around your property, you’re able to stop pests and insects from getting indoors. Further preventative measures include placing screens over vents and chimneys, storing firewood away from the home, fixing any moisture problems, and generally keeping a clean and tidy environment to discourage pests.

Winter Pest Control Services

Winter pest problems are a serious threat to homeowners. The best way to go about preventing winter pests is to safeguard your home against them! If you’ve done all you can to keep insects and other pests out of your home in the winter but are still experiencing issues, it’s time to call the experts at Springer Professional Home Services!

How to Get a Pest-Free Christmas Tree

Shake out your Christmas tree before bringing it into your Des Moines IA home - Springer Professional Home Services

Did you know that 30 million households bring a real Christmas tree into their home every year? Nothing evokes the spirit of the holidays like a freshly cut Christmas tree that serves as a beautiful decoration in your home each year. However, these trees are also said to harbor as many as 25,000 insects inside of them! To avoid getting a pest infestation, keep reading for Springer’s top tips on how to pest-proof your Christmas tree.

3 Tips to Prevent Christmas Tree Insects

With so many Christmas trees to choose from, it can be overwhelming to pick the right one! Before bringing a Christmas tree into your home, there are a number of things you should do to prevent Christmas tree pests:

  1. Thoroughly inspect your tree. Before picking a winner, inspect the Christmas tree for irregularities, spots, damaged branches or trunk, or signs of pests.
  2. Shake out the tree. Either by yourself or with the expertise of a Christmas tree lot attendant, vigorously shake out the tree to expel insects or pests.
  3. Leave the tree in your garage initially. To encourage lingering bugs out, store your Christmas tree in your garage or a covered area for a day or two before carrying it indoors.

Are Christmas Tree Bugs Dangerous?

Christmas tree bugs are typically minuscule and harmless. In reality, most of these Christmas tree insects will not be able to survive an indoor environment and will die within days of being brought in. The most common Christmas tree bugs you may come across include:

  • Aphids
  • Bark beetles
  • Spiders
  • Weevils
  • Webworms
  • Praying Mantises
  • Mites
  • Sawflies

How to Get Rid of Christmas Tree Pests

If you brought home a Christmas tree only to discover it’s riddled with insects, there’s no reason to panic. As mentioned before, Christmas tree insects are mostly harmless. Nonetheless, it’s recommended to call an expert pest control company such as Springer Professional Home Services for more information on getting rid of Christmas tree bugs. Contact us today for more tips on having a pest-free* Christmas!

How Do the Changing Seasons Impact Pests?

Changing seasons impact the ways pests behave, live, and interact with their environments. Be prepared in any season by learning about pests and their lifecycles. Here’s how the changing seasons impact pests.

Pests in the Winter

With cold temperatures and snowy conditions, winter is on everyone’s mind—including pests. Overwintering pests are those that attempt to survive the extreme conditions by making their way into warm places like your home. Common invaders include ladybugs, box elder beetles, and stink bugs.

It’s likely you’ve been noticing a few of these little critters beginning to emerge, particularly on days with warmer temperatures. You can combat the pests that may be overwintering in your home by repairing cracks in the exterior, keeping food properly sealed and stored, and cleaning your house on a regular basis. If you do find pests in your home, you can suck them up with a vacuum cleaner and dispose of them in your outdoor trash can.

Pests in the Spring

In the spring, overwintering pests emerge and begin mating. Pests both inside and outside your home will awaken from their hibernation, so you’ll likely notice a variety of critters. If winter is the dormant season for pests, then spring is quite the opposite. As the weather improves and you can be outside more often, make sure to prepare your home for the pest-filled seasons ahead. Clean out your gutters to prevent pests from making their homes within the trays, repair window and door screens, and have a pest control professional treat your home before a problem develops.

Pests in the Summer

The warm, humid days of summer are usually accompanied by loads of pests that can put a damper on your plans. Ticks, bees, and mosquitoes are active during these months and can be found wherever the fun is happening in the great outdoors. Protect yourself and your family by taking appropriate caution whenever you’re in a “hot spot.” To keep your yard free of these pests, contact your local pest control professional.

Pests in the Fall

As the weather begins to cool, the activity of pests dwindles. Some pests enter into the last stage of their lifecycle, while others seek shelter for the cold months ahead. Rodents begin to build their nests, and if you’re not careful, you may end up with a few extra houseguests. To prevent this, follow our guide in Winter Pests 102: Preventing and Removing Winter Invaders.

Pests are active year-round, which means you should be, too! Combat unwanted pests with the help of the experts at Springer. Our pest control professionals can identify, locate, and treat the pests that are attacking your home. Set up your free inspection to get started.

What Should I Do When Overwintering Pests Start to Emerge?

You might have thought that winter would leave you free of unwanted pests, but that just isn’t the case. By now, you’ve likely stumbled across a few overwintering pests, and chances are you’re seeing more each day. Overwintering pests can be a real issue for homeowners, but they don’t have to disrupt your life. Here’s what to know about pests that overwinter in the home.

Which pests overwinter in my home?

There are a number of common pests that overwinter, but the following are among those most commonly found in homes as they ride out the cold winter conditions.

Stink Bugs

A common appearance among overwintering pests, the stink bug feeds on summer crops before making its way inside when the temperatures drop. This invasive species lives in most of the United States and has become a smelly nuisance in homes throughout the country. While most of their lifecycle is spent outdoors, the high number of stink bugs coming inside for the winter can become a hassle for homeowners.

Asian Lady Beetles

Sometimes referred to as the Japanese beetle or Japanese ladybug, the Asian lady beetle is a pest indigenous to Asia. Since their systematic release into the United States in the 60s, these pests have migrated to nearly every state in the Continental U.S. You likely won’t even notice them until the temperatures start to drop. During the fall, you can find them on your sun-facing walls and windows, but by the time winter hits, they’ve probably found a way into your home.

Boxelder Bugs

The boxelder bug is another pest that seeks shelter in homes as temperatures drop in the fall. It’s not uncommon to see a whole gathering of boxelder bugs around a home, vetting it as a potential winter hideaway. While they aren’t poisonous, boxelder bugs will release a foul odor if they feel threatened.

How do pests overwinter?

Throughout the fall, overwintering pests will seek out warm spots of refuge that could serve as their potential home throughout the winter. Because of their small size, they’ll easily take advantage of small cracks, holes, or gaps in your siding, foundation, and window screens. If there’s a way in from the cold, they’ll find it! Once in your home, the pests will do everything in their power to stay hidden, safe, and warm throughout the winter. Pests often begin to emerge as their food, water, or shelter begins to dwindle.

What should I do when overwintering pests emerge?

Fortunately, none of these overwintering pests are detrimental to your home or the health of your household. That being said, there are ways to reduce or eliminate their presence:

  • Caulk and seal any holes or cracks in the exterior of your home.
  • Discard clutter and unnecessary cardboard and paper.
  • Seal and store all food and drink items properly.
  • Remove pests by sucking them into your vacuum, and then disposing of the contents outside.
  • Contact a pest control professional to have a preventive treatment done on your home.

If you’re battling pests in the Des Moines area this winter, contact Springer. Our team of pest control professionals can help you effectively eliminate overwintering pests from your home. For all of your pest control needs, trust Springer! Set up your free inspection to get started.

Why Should I Consider Preventive Pest Control Solutions?

If your home has been relatively pest-free*, it can be a stretch to consider implementing preventive pest control solutions. However, regardless of your home’s pest history, preventive care can be an effective and practical way to keep your property healthy and pest-free*. Check out these five reasons to consider preventive pest control—even if you haven’t experienced a pest problem yet.

Preventive pest control protects your property.

Preventive care is a safeguard against the destruction that unwanted houseguests can wreak. Preventive pest control is like putting locks on your doors and windows: you may never know if your actions are preventing someone—or something—from getting in, but you do know it will make accessing your home more difficult for unwanted visitors.

Pests are always active.

Even throughout the winter, when one might expect pests to lay dormant, they’re still actively attempting to enter your home. Even if you’re not aware of their activity, you should always assume that there are pests close to your home that would love to find their way in.

Preventive pest control reduces the risk of infestation.

Pests can multiply rapidly—even before you even notice their presence. Without regular inspection and care, your home can quickly become the site of an infestation. Once a colony has formed, ridding your home of pests can be quite difficult. It’s far easier to eliminate small populations of pests and prevent future problems than it is to identify and rid your home of all the sources of a major infestation.

Problems may be hidden.

With many destructive pests like termites or mice, damage can go on without your knowledge for quite some time. These tiny yet harmful critters can cause major property damage before you even realize they are present. When you implement a preventive care program, your pest control professional will closely inspect your home for signs of damage and identify problems that otherwise may have been missed.

Preventive pest control saves you money.

Just as it’s far more expensive to replace your car’s engine than it is to get an oil change, preventive pest control services require a small investment compared to the expenses you could incur from pest-related property damage, at-home treatments, and ineffective removal. The cost associated with preventive care is nearly insignificant compared to the value it provides in protecting your home, your family’s health, and your peace of mind.

If you’re ready to take advantage of preventive pest control solutions, contact Springer in Des Moines. Our team of pest control professionals can provide all of the residential pest control services you need to resolve any pest problem you’re currently experiencing and prevent future infestations. Set up your free inspection today!

How Much Damage Can Termites Really Do?

They may be small, but termites can cause serious damage to your home. If you suspect you have termites in your home, seek help from a professional pest control company promptly. Ignoring the warning signs of a termite infestation can result in serious damage.

Why are termites harmful to your home?

Termites primarily feed on wood, but they will also consume other materials like particleboard, drywall, or cardboard. Unfortunately, these materials are found in practically every home. Because of this, you shouldn’t dismiss the risk of a termite infestation, even if you are extremely cautious and take precautionary measures. As long as the food source exists, your home is potentially at risk for termite damage.

What kind of damage do termites inflict?

Termite damage comes in the form of ruined plaster, drywall, joints, and even the very structure of your home. Termites are responsible for approximately $5 billion dollars in property damage each year, so it is important to know the warning signs and take preventive action so as to reduce your home’s risk of termite damage.

How can I identify termite damage?

There are several indicators of termite activity in your home. If you notice even one of the following, it’s wise to contact a pest control professional immediately. The sooner you address termite activity, the lower the chance of damage to your home. Here are signs of termites to be aware of:

  • Bubbling in floorboards
  • Hollow or damaged wood including walls, floorboards, and wooden structures
  • Abandoned termite wings (usually found near windows or doors)
  • Thin mud tunnels found in or outside your home
  • Termite droppings found near their tunneling

What can I do to prevent termite damage?

While there’s no way to make your home completely impervious to termites, you can take measures to reduce your home’s susceptibility to termite infestation and subsequent damage:

  • Reduce sources of moisture throughout your yard and home
  • Repair cracks in siding and foundation
  • Properly maintain your gutter system
  • Routinely inspect the interior and exterior of your home for signs of termites
  • Store firewood in a safe, secure place away from your home
  • Trim shrubs, trees, and brushes to prevent them from touching your house
  • Remove all rotting wood (trees, sheds, etc.) from your property

On top of these preventive actions, be sure to enlist the help of a professional pest control company if you suspect your home is suffering termite damage.

If you need professional pest control services in the greater Des Moines area, contact Springer Professional Home Services. Our team of pest control professionals can help you address your situation, treat the problem, and take preventive measures to reduce your risk of further infestation. Contact us to set up your free inspection!

I Don’t Have Pests in My Home. Do I Still Need Pest Control?

There are certain situations that obviously require professional pest control services, but what about the rest of the year when it seems like pests aren’t a problem at all? Even when it seems like pests are at bay or even non-existent, your home is susceptible to future infestations that may be brewing just under your nose. Here are just a few reasons to implement preventive pest control in your home.

Reduces Risk of Infestation

A major pest infestation doesn’t just happen overnight, but it can happen right in front of you—or around or under you. A pest control professional is trained to recognize early signs of an infestation and stop it in its tracks. Regular visits from a pest control specialist means that pests have less time to settle into your home. Without regular inspections, pests will continue to multiply until they cause enough damage to catch your attention.

Prevents Major Destruction of Property

Speaking of damage, preventive pest control can dramatically reduce the chances that pests will cause damage to your property. With regular visits and inspections, a pest control professional will monitor your home and property for potentially harmful pests and eliminate the unwanted guests before they have a chance to ruin your belongings.

Cultivates a Pest-Free Environment

When you actively invest in a pest-free* home, you become more aware of the sources of pest problems and start to implement proactive pest control habits into your routine. You become more alert to signs of pests and more diligent about putting food away promptly rather than letting it sit on the kitchen counter. Partnering with a trained pest control professional will help you cultivate a pest-free* environment in your household.

Decreases Your Pest Control Costs

It may sound counterintuitive, but implementing year-round pest control services can actually reduce the overall cost of pest control and repairs of pest-related damage. The added bonus is that preventive pest control is far more effective than the sprays, pesticides, and traps you can buy at the hardware store. You’ll save time, money, and effort by preventing infestations before they occur.

If you need pest control services in the greater Des Moines area, choose Springer Professional Home Services. Our trained professionals will partner with you to keep your home pest-free* year round. For nearly 30 years, we’ve been a trusted name among pest control professionals. Set up your free inspection today!

Winter Pests 102: Preventing and Removing Winter Invaders

As winter approaches, you and your family won’t be the only ones heading inside from the cold. Pests can become a major issue in the fall and winter months as they invade the indoors to escape the harsh outdoor conditions. We’ve already discussed some major offenders in “Winter Pests 101.” Now, let’s examine how to prevent and remove these unwanted house guests.


One of the best ways to combat winter pests is to prevent them from entering your home. Pest prevention is something that you can practice year round, but it becomes particularly important as the cold weather drives unwanted guests indoors. Here are a few ways to implement preventive practices into your fall and winter routine.

Maintain your outdoor property.

Pests will be less inclined to stick around your home if they don’t have an ideal living environment available. Maintaining your yard is key to preventing a pest infestation outdoors as well as inside your home. Be sure to do each of the following as a part of your fall maintenance checklist:

  • Trim bushes, shrubs, and trees away from your home
  • Dispose of all yard waste, including grass clippings, leaves, and mulch
  • Store firewood a safe distance from your house

Eliminate entry points to your garage and home.

Before winter sets in, conduct a visual inspection of your home’s exterior. Seal all cracks, holes, and gaps in your siding and foundation. Caulk around your windows and doors, and install weather stripping where it is needed. While you probably won’t be using your door and window screens during the winter, now is a good time to repair those as well.

Remove garbage and waste promptly.

Store your garbage and recycling in bins with tight-fitting lids. When possible, rinse them to remove materials that may attract unwanted critters. Don’t allow garbage to sit outside of a container. Take larger unwanted items like furniture or small appliances to a recycling center or thrift store to prevent a pest hotel from forming in your garage.

Implement a regular indoor cleaning regimen.

Cleaning helps prevent pests on two different levels. First, cleanliness deters pests from making their nests and webs in your home. Second, a regular cleaning routine will help you to monitor areas in your home where pests may begin to gather.

Enlist a professional pest control company.

It’s never too early to take advantage of a preventive pest control program. Doing so will help you control pests around your home year round.


Every now and again, you’ll likely encounter an unwanted pest in your home. Here are a few ways to remove them.

  • Use indoor pesticides, traps, and baits to eliminate pests from inside your home.
  • Use natural materials like peppermint oil, cinnamon, vinegar, basil, and citrus to deter pests in your home
  • Suck up unwanted pests with your vacuum extension and then dispose of them outside.

If you’re fighting a losing battle against household pests, contact Springer in Des Moines. Our pest control professionals will inspect your home and property, address any specific problems, and implement preventive measures to deter future invaders. For all of your pest control needs, trust Springer. Set up your free inspection now!

Why Do Boxelder Bugs Appear in the Fall?

Summer is ending, and so are your pest problems, right? Wrong! You’ve probably noticed a multitude of little black bugs around your home. You may not know these little guys by name, but with the commencement of fall, you can look forward to the migration of the boxelder bug.

What do boxelder bugs look like?

Boxelder bugs are native to North America. They are typically half an inch long and have flat black wings. Boxelder bugs usually have red markings on their wings and bodies. While they are capable of flying, boxelder bugs are more commonly seen crawling.

Why do boxelder bugs appear in the fall?

As the weather begins to cool, boxelder bugs seek shelter where they can hibernate. You’ll probably find them congregating around your home because it’s an appealing potential hotel for the cold winter months ahead.

Are boxelder bugs harmful to me or my family?

Unlike many colored insects, boxelder bugs are not poisonous. They do not bite or sting, but they will release a foul odor if they feel threatened. Boxelder bugs are usually more of a nuisance than a threat.

Can boxelder bugs damage my property?

Boxelder bugs will not harm you, your pets, or your property. Boxelder bugs feed on maple, ash, and boxelder tree seeds, but their eating habits are not harmful to plants. If you have an excessive infestation of boxelder bugs, you may find that their excrement stains your property.

How can I protect my home from boxelder bugs?

The most effective way to prevent your home from boxelder bugs is to utilize professional pest control services. You can also prevent boxelder bugs from entering your home by sealing all entry points they might find. This includes

  • Patching screens
  • Sealing door and window trims
  • Repairing cracks in roofing, siding, and foundation

How can I remove boxelder bugs from my home?

You can remove boxelder bugs as you would any other insect. To avoid touching a boxelder bug, use the extension on your vacuum to suck up the bug and quickly dispose of it. You can also trap the bug in a piece of toilet tissue and dispose of it or flush it down the drain.

Can you permanently exterminate boxelder bugs?

Professional pest control is the most effective way to prevent an outbreak of boxelder bugs, but the only way to completely alleviate the problem is to remove their food source. In extreme cases, you may wish to remove maple, ash, or boxelder trees from your property.

If you’re in need of professional pest control services, contact Springer in Des Moines. Our expert exterminators will inspect your property, treat your problem, and protect your home from future infestations. From boxelder bugs to termites, trust Springer with your residential pest control needs. Set up your free inspection today!

How to Keep Stink Bugs Out of Your Home

April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring stink bugs. Okay, that might not be scientifically correct, but you get the picture. Stink bugs are as prevalent as the summer crops they feed upon. You’ve probably noticed these nasty little guys in your yard, but as fall draws near and the temperature drops, they’ll be heading indoors. Here’s how to keep stink bugs out of your home.

Seal Entry Points

The best way to keep your home free from stink bugs is to keep them out from the beginning. Stink bugs can sneak in through the smallest crevices, so be sure to pay special attention to the following areas.


Seal cracks and holes in your siding with caulk. If there is substantial damage to your siding, you may want to replace it to prevent it from becoming an easy point of entry.

Windows and Doors

Check to make sure that all of your windows and doors shut tightly. If you can see light from outside coming in between your window or door and its frame, then a stink bug can definitely get in!


They may seem minuscule, but holes in your window or door screens are the perfect place for stink bugs to enter your home. Use a screen-patching kit to let fresh air in while keeping stink bugs out.

Properly Store Food

Food attracts stink bugs as well as a number of other annoying pests, so be sure to properly store it in your home. Keep tight lids on all food containers, and don’t let food sit out unattended for an extended period of time. Be sure to clean up any food or drink spills quickly, as they can attract many unwanted house guests.

Maintain Your Yard

Stink bugs love damp, dark places, so try to eliminate any potential homes for them in your yard. This includes

  • Draining excess water
  • Properly disposing of yard waste
  • Storing firewood away from your home
  • Keeping shrubs and landscaping trimmed
  • Using professional pest control services if necessary

Remove Them Carefully

Unfortunately, stink bugs may still find their way into your home every now and then. If you happen to encounter them, don’t panic! Here are a few effective ways to dispose of them.


To avoid smashing a stink bug in your home and subsequently releasing their namesake “stink,” use your handheld vacuum extension to safely suck them up. Once you’ve collected the stink bug(s), empty vacuum bag outside. Do not use a bagless vacuum to collect stink bugs, as the smell will linger.

Household Trap

Another way to safely exterminate stink bugs in your home is disturb them while holding a bucket of water and dish soap underneath. They will tend to fall into the bucket and drown.

Kill Outdoors

If you do encounter a stink bug outside, squish away! The odor that the stink bug omits will warn other stink bugs to steer clear of the area—and your home.

If you’re in need of pest control services in the Des Moines area, trust Springer. The experts at Springer Professional Home Services will inspect your home, treat problem areas, and prevent future infestations. Set up a free inspection today!