5 Things You Should Know About Asian Lady Beetles

What an Asian lady beetle could look like in Central Iowa - Springer Professional Home Services

It’s easy to see why Asian lady beetles are often confused for ladybugs – they look a lot alike, are about the same size, and have similar names. However, they are different insects altogether, and each displays different patterns of behavior. The ladybug is a helpful aid to keep around in your garden, but the lady beetle can be an odorous pest when inside the home. Keep reading to learn more about the differences between the two in Central Iowa and what makes Asian lady beetles noteworthy.

Ladybugs and Lady Beetles – What’s the Difference?

When it’s warm out, ladybugs like to hang out in our gardens, eating aphids, mites, and other damaging garden pests. They then retreat to secluded places to overwinter in hiding. On the flipside, Asian beetles compete with ladybugs for resources, but then try to sneak into our homes when the temperatures drop. Effectively, a lady beetle problem leads to an unhealthy garden and a nuisance in the home.

5 Things to Know About Asian Lady Beetles

Asian lady beetles set themselves apart from ladybugs and other insects in Central Iowa in several ways. Here are 5 things to know about Asian beetles:

  1. Their scientific name is harmonia axyridis, and they belong to the same order as ladybugs. They are also known as Japanese beetles and Japanese ladybugs.
  2. Their color ranges from yellow, to orange, to red, but they always have a black and white marking forming an “M” on their heads.
  3. As you would imagine, their name indicates that they come from Asia. They were brought over intentionally in the 1960s by the Department of Agriculture to help control agricultural pests.
  4. They prefer to seek shelter indoors during the winter as opposed to overwintering outdoors like similar insects.
  5. If threatened or squished, they will release a yellow, foul-smelling substance. You can use a vacuum to get rid of them while avoiding this stench.

How to Get Rid of Asian Beetles

You can prevent an Asian lady beetle problem in the house with the same strategies that prevent other pests – sealing off cracks in foundation, placing screens on doors and windows, and using EPA-approved pesticides. If you’ve tried these techniques and Asian beetles are still making their way into your home somehow, tell your local pest control company about your problem. The beetle control experts at Springer Professional Home Services have been trained in the most effective and ecologically sensitive methods of pest control viable in Central Iowa. Reach out today for a free quote or to learn more about the Asian lady beetle!

How to Get a Pest-Free Christmas Tree

Shake out your Christmas tree before bringing it into your Des Moines IA home - Springer Professional Home Services

Did you know that 30 million households bring a real Christmas tree into their home every year? Nothing evokes the spirit of the holidays like a freshly cut Christmas tree that serves as a beautiful decoration in your home each year. However, these trees are also said to harbor as many as 25,000 insects inside of them! To avoid getting a pest infestation, keep reading for Springer’s top tips on how to pest-proof your Christmas tree.

3 Tips to Prevent Christmas Tree Insects

With so many Christmas trees to choose from, it can be overwhelming to pick the right one! Before bringing a Christmas tree into your home, there are a number of things you should do to prevent Christmas tree pests:

  1. Thoroughly inspect your tree. Before picking a winner, inspect the Christmas tree for irregularities, spots, damaged branches or trunk, or signs of pests.
  2. Shake out the tree. Either by yourself or with the expertise of a Christmas tree lot attendant, vigorously shake out the tree to expel insects or pests.
  3. Leave the tree in your garage initially. To encourage lingering bugs out, store your Christmas tree in your garage or a covered area for a day or two before carrying it indoors.

Are Christmas Tree Bugs Dangerous?

Christmas tree bugs are typically minuscule and harmless. In reality, most of these Christmas tree insects will not be able to survive an indoor environment and will die within days of being brought in. The most common Christmas tree bugs you may come across include:

  • Aphids
  • Bark beetles
  • Spiders
  • Weevils
  • Webworms
  • Praying Mantises
  • Mites
  • Sawflies

How to Get Rid of Christmas Tree Pests

If you brought home a Christmas tree only to discover it’s riddled with insects, there’s no reason to panic. As mentioned before, Christmas tree insects are mostly harmless. Nonetheless, it’s recommended to call an expert pest control company such as Springer Professional Home Services for more information on getting rid of Christmas tree bugs. Contact us today for more tips on having a pest-free* Christmas!