Uncovering Common Bed Bug Myths

A bed bug infestation is one of the most dreaded pest problems in Central Iowa. No one wants to deal with bed bugs—if you haven’t had them before, the thought of them is terrifying, and if you have, the memory can be haunting! But how dangerous, exactly, are bed bugs?

Although they sound like the last thing you could possibly want in your home, bed bugs actually aren’t as dangerous as many other pests in the area. There is a lot of misinformation about bed bugs on the internet, so the experts at Springer Professional Home Services are here to set the record straight!

Myths About Bed Bugs

With bed bugs already claiming so much public notoriety, it comes as no surprise to us that people accept the myths around them that have spread as fast as they seem to. Here are some purported facts about bed bugs that are actually untrue:

  1. Bed bugs only live in mattresses: Bed bugs will actually live in upholstered furniture, cracks in the wall, power outlets, light switches, and more places.
  2. Bed bugs transmit diseases: They do bite, but bed bugs do not pass on diseases through the process. They have been found to carry diseases on their bodies on occasion, though.
  3. Bed bugs are too small to see: At about the size of an apple seed, bed bugs are tiny but visible.
  4. Bed bugs are nocturnal: Because they adjust their schedules to be active when their hosts are at rest, bed bugs have been labeled as nocturnal. However, they will adjust their rest schedule to align opposite to yours.

Why You Want to Avoid a Bed Bug Infestation

Although we’ve just dispelled some of the major myths surrounding bed bugs, there are still plenty of reasons that you should be conscious of your exposure to them. Bed bugs can be incredibly difficult to get rid of without professional help. There are said to be several DIY methods of bed bug control, using products such as diatomaceous earth, baking soda, dryer sheets, and more, but they are of little use if your goal is to wipe out an entire infestation.

The best way to eliminate a full-blown bed bug infestation is through the use of heat. Washing any infested items in a high-heat washer and dryer cycle will kill any bed bugs active in the materials. From there, professional heat treatments can expel air at lethal temperatures into all of the nooks and crannies where bed bugs are living in your home.

Professional Bed Bug Pest Control

If you’re looking to put a stop to your bed bug problems right away, reach out to your local pest control company. Springer Professional Home Services technicians are trained to apply highly successful heat treatments that simply do what DIY tactics cannot. For a free quote on bed bug removal in Central Iowa, contact us today!

Bug Bite Identification Guide

Bug bite identification in Des Moines Iowa - Springer Professional Home Services

In the spring and summertime here in Iowa, insects are out in full force. While this is simply a fact of life, no one wants to deal with being bitten by bugs this time of year—or ever! Even in the fall and winter, there are several biting bugs to stay aware of. At Springer Professional Home Services, we know how distressing it can be to discover you’ve been bitten by an insect. Our pest control experts are here to help you learn what insects are likely to bite or sting, as well as what you can do to prevent them.

Bugs That Bite in Iowa

Whether they bite or sting, there are a number of pests and bugs that are likely culprits behind the red, itchy bumps on your skin. The most common ones we deal with here in Iowa include:

  1. Bed bugs. Bed bugs are quite elusive and good at hiding, so infestations may go undetected until the population is extensive. They primarily feed on blood when their host is asleep, so you may not catch them dining on you. You may, however, awake with their bite marks, which appear in lines on your skin and can be very itchy.
  2. Fleas & ticks. Parasitic insect infestations usually originate from an infested animal, then find their way to human victims. On occasion, people traveling through an infested area (for example, a wooded area with lone star ticks) will be attacked by these pests, as well. Pets are common carriers of these pests.
  3. Mosquitoes. Nationwide, mosquitoes are very active in the spring and summer. Sometimes, we may not notice their itchy bites immediately and assume whatever bit us is inside the building with us. In the case of these pests, by the time you notice they’ve fed on you, they have left the scene of the crime.
  4. Bees & wasps. These stinging insects are active in the spring and summertime in Iowa. While they’d rather keep to themselves, bees and wasps alike will sting when provoked. Wasps in particular are aggressive when defending their nests, and can sting you multiple times.
  5. “No see ums” (biting midge flies). Anyone who has been to marshy areas has probably been attacked by these insects. About the size of a freckle, biting midges are most active at dusk and dawn. Repellants may give some relief from these annoying blood feeders.
  6. Mites. Mites like dust mites are incredibly small and can best be seen under strong magnification. Most cases of mites biting people in their homes can be traced back to rodents or birds nesting in the home, as these animals are their preferred hosts. Unfortunately, when their regular food source isn’t present anymore, the mites will feed on people.
  7. Spiders. Despite the fear associated with spiders, most species do not bite. However, there are two spiders that will bite in defense: black widows and brown recluse spiders. A bite from either of these more aggressive spiders can be very dangerous.

Common Symptoms of Bug Bites

In general, the symptoms of bug bites or stings are very similar. Most commonly, symptoms will include red bumps at the site of the bite, itchiness, swelling, rashes, heat surrounding the bite, and other mild symptoms. When dealing with bug bites, it’s important to treat them carefully and also be on the lookout for more serious symptoms. Symptoms that may signal you are having a worse reaction—or even an allergic reaction—to the bites include substantial swelling in the eyes or throat, trouble breathing, and dizziness. Experiencing any of these symptoms requires an immediate trip to the doctor.

How to Prevent Bug Bites

If you are dealing with bug bites and cannot decipher where they are coming from, you could have a pest problem indoors. The best thing to do is to contact your local pest control experts. At Springer Professional Home Services, our experts will thoroughly inspect your property to determine any pest problems. From there, we’ll implement a pest control plan to keep the pests away for good. Contact us today to get started!

How Bed Bugs Spread in Iowa

Bed bugs spread easily in Iowa. Springer Professional Home Services

Did you know that a single bed bug can lay up to 12 eggs a day, and up to 500 throughout its lifetime? Needless to say, bed bugs can spread quickly once established. Even worse, bed bugs often aren’t discovered until you start to notice their bites on your skin. Bed bugs are slow crawlers, which is why they usually travel by hitching a ride on your bags, clothes, luggage, furniture, and more. To stop bed bugs from spreading in your Iowa home or business, it’s important to learn how to keep yourself safe from their activity in the first place. The bed bug experts at Springer Professional Home Services are here to help you learn how.

5 Ways to Stop Bed Bugs From Spreading

To stop bed bugs from spreading in your home, you need to learn how to keep them out in the first place. Here’s how:

  1. Always be wary of purchasing second-hand furniture unless you’ve inspected it thoroughly for bed bugs.
  2. Buy protective covers for all of the mattresses and box springs in your home.
  3. When traveling, use hard shell suitcases and thoroughly inspect your hotel room for bed bugs. Always store luggage up off the ground.
  4. When arriving home from traveling, steam clean your suitcase and wash all clothing before storing everything away.
  5. If you utilize shared laundry facilities or a laundromat, seal your clothes in a plastic bag to and from the facility, and always fold your clothes at home.

How Do Bed Bugs Get Into My Room?

Bed bugs most commonly are spread when infested items are moved from one area to another. Typically, this happens when infested furniture or items are moved from one room to another. The spread of bed bugs can also be traced back to travelers and college kids bringing home infested suitcases. Many people believe that people can spread bed bugs, but bed bugs do not latch onto their hosts in the same manner that fleas and ticks do.

Bed Bugs Spreading in Your Iowa Home?

If you’ve done all you can to keep bed bugs from spreading in your home but are still noticing the signs of their activity, it’s time to call in the professionals. At Springer Professional Home Services, we can work to not only get rid of bed bugs in your property, but keep them out for good!

Winter Pests 101: Common Pests Invading Your Home

Winter pests will try to enter homes in Des Moines Iowa - Springer Professional Home Services

Just like you and your family will be heading indoors to stay away from the cold, so will a few unwanted friends. As winter approaches here in Iowa, you’ll want to protect your home from potential invaders. Rodents and wildlife are common winter pests. Needless to say, no one wants to deal with either. The team at Springer Professional Home Services is here to share all you need to know about the critters to keep an eye out for in the winter—and how to prevent them from getting into your home.

Winter Pests in Des Moines

1. Mice

They may seem cute and cuddly, but one surprise scurry across your foot and your mind will be forever changed about this common winter pest. Mice aren’t just an annoying nuisance. They can be quite damaging to your home and health. Mice typically nest in tiny, dark spaces like attics or crawl spaces. They can chew through drywall, wood, and wires and can cause some pretty serious damage if undetected. Worst of all, mice carry a number of harmful diseases that can spread to your family and pets.

2. Cockroaches

Nothing ruins a cozy evening by the fire like seeing a big cockroach scurrying across the hearth. Cockroaches do best in warm, damp areas, so while running your furnace and humidifier is great for you, it’s not so great for your pest situation. This is especially true as temperatures drop outside. Roaches will do their best to come inside to find a more inviting environment.

3. Spiders

Most spiders try to construct their nests in undisturbed areas like attics, closets, and basements. These options become even more appealing as the weather conditions outside become frigid, windy, and damp. While most spiders are not poisonous, some, like the brown recluse, have venomous bites that are dangerous to humans. As winter approaches and spiders move indoors, you may find that your paths are crossing more often than you’d like.

4. Bed Bugs

You know the saying, “Sleep tight; don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Unfortunately, that wasn’t just mom’s cute way of saying goodnight. As the holidays approach and you travel to see friends and family, the risk of a bed bug outbreak increases. Bed bugs can enter your home on bedding, luggage, and even clothing. As you make your travel plans, verify that your hotels have not had a recent bed bug infestation. Bed bugs can be particularly difficult to eradicate in the winter when beds don extra blankets, quilts, and comforters for warmth.

How to Prevent Winter Pest Problems

While there’s no way to guarantee that you won’t battle some of these pests every now and again, there are ways to significantly reduce your risk. Here’s how you can prevent and deter various winter pests:

Preventing Pests Outside

  • Seal cracks in your siding, foundation, and roof.
  • Properly trim shrubbery and remove excess greenery from landscaping
  • Store firewood away from your home.
  • Remove and dispose of any rotting wood, including old sheds, furniture, and dead trees.
  • Keep trash and recycling bins clean and covered.

Preventing Pests Inside

  • Maintain a weekly cleaning regimen that includes sweeping, dusting, and monitoring for signs of pests.
  • Keep kitchen floors and counters free from crumbs and spills.
  • Remove excess water from basement and attic areas, and limit humidifier use to personal areas of the home.
  • Store out-of-season clothes and shoes in plastic bags or containers.
  • Examine “hot spots” for pests regularly and treat them when necessary.

Annual Pest Control Services

If you’re struggling with winter pests, contact Springer Professional Home Services. An expert on Des Moines area pests, the professional residential pest control experts at Springer can aid in your efforts to rid your home of unwanted guests. Contact us today to learn how we can keep you pest-free* this winter and all year long.

Afraid of Rodents and Bugs? 2021 May Not Be Your Year

Springer Professional Home Services in Des Moines IA

Entomologists from Springer’s parent company, Rentokil Provide their Pest Predictions for 2021

READING, Penn. (Jan. 4, 2021) — As if 2020 didn’t present enough challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 could be a banner year for pests around the country.

To help residents prepare for 2021, entomologists from Rentokil used field knowledge and data to provide their predictions for pests in the upcoming year.

1. Rodents, Rodents Everywhere:

With shutdowns across the country, it’s no surprise that rodents are on the rise nationwide. Empty buildings, the scarcity of food and warmer winters have combined to create a rodent apocalypse.

“We’re seeing more rats in urban, suburban, and rural settings because of the shutdowns,” said Marc Potzler, Board Certified Entomologist. “Food sources are cut off, and rats are having to travel to scavenge for food. We’ve seen rats out in public during the day, which is highly unusual.”

Warmer winters have also allowed for mice populations to boom in residential areas as it allows for a longer breeding season and there is a lower population loss due to hard freezes.

“Right now is the perfect time to rodent-proof your home,” said Potzler. “Make sure to repair any gaps on the exterior of your home, such as around garage doors, windows or pipes.”

2. Mosquitoes on the Move:

Mosquitoes populations have been increasing over the last few years. Aedes species, which are disease-carrying mosquitoes, are also moving to new areas. These mosquitoes can carry West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and Zika virus, among other diseases.

“There is an increase of mosquitoes across the country, but notably on the West Coast, and they are adapting each year,” said Eric Sebring, Associate Certified Entomologist. “We have seen evidence of behavior adaptation, where mosquitoes lay their eggs strategically to hatch throughout the season.”

Protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes by removing any standing water on your property. Mosquitoes can breed in as little as one teaspoon of water. Also, wear EPA-approved insect repellent while spending time outside.

3. Bed Bugs:

The chatter about bed bugs was quiet in 2020, but that’s not because they have gone away.

“As people begin to travel again, we will start to hear about bed bug infestations,” said Sebring. “Bed bugs can be dormant for several months at a time, so they can emerge when a food source, humans, become available.”

Bed bugs are considered hitchhikers, traveling from place to place on people, luggage, clothing and other personal belongings. Homeowners and businesses such as hotels, colleges, hospitals, senior living facilities, retail stores, and libraries have experienced problems with bed bugs.

If traveling, inspect the bed by pulling back the sheets to examine the mattress. Check your luggage before packing and unpacking, and look for signs of living or dead bugs the size of an apple seed or black fecal smears.

4. More Time Outdoors = More Pests.

From hiking to gardening to dining al fresco, there is no doubt that the pandemic has forced people to spend more time outdoors.

In 2021, we will see the outdoor pest pressures continue:

Ticks: Ticks are responsible for transmitting several diseases, including Lyme disease, to humans and animals. These small insects are found in grassy areas and in the woods, so it is important to inspect yourself and your pets after spending time outdoors. Cover as much skin as possible while outdoors, wear long pants, long sleeves, closed-toed shoes, and tuck pant legs into socks. Light-colored clothing will also help any ticks you pick up stand out.

Ants: “As soon as the weather starts to warm up, we will see an increase in ant populations,” said Tom Dobrinska, Board Certified Entomologist. “Most of the ants we are dealing with are odorous house ants. When spending time outside, make sure to clean up any food, water or sugary substances and ensure that your home is free of any holes or cracks for them to enter.”

Stinging Insects: Stinging insects, such as wasps and yellow jackets, emerge at the first sign of warm weather, and as warm weather seasons are getting longer, stinging insects have more time to create issues. Make sure you check for nests early in the spring as they are smaller and get early nest treatment. Make sure to keep windows and doors shut, and secure outside bins so stinging insects are not attracted to the contents.

5. Termites Aren’t Going Anywhere

Termites are a pesky problem, and unfortunately, are not going anywhere. Termites can cause extensive damage to structures, especially homes. As people are moving out of cities during the pandemic to more suburban areas, education about termite protection is key.

“We received more calls for termites this past year than we have in many years,” said Potzler. “It’s important to raise awareness for homeowners now to have proactive protection to keep from costly repairs in the future.”

6. Pests in the News:

There are a few pests that will continue to steal the limelight in 2021.

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is an invasive pest that has been making its way across the country since it was first introduced from Asia in 2001. Besides its pungent odor, this stink bug has become a nuisance for homeowners as it gathers in large numbers on the sides of houses and buildings and enters through small cracks in the home. “The brown marmorated stink bug is here to stay,” said Dobrinska. “We will continue to see this species emerge in late spring in large numbers.”

The Spotted Lanternfly will continue to wreak havoc across the Northeast and beyond. The invasive pest, first found in Pennsylvania in 2014, is spreading across the Northeast, with New York reporting its first sighting this year. The pest can significantly damage trees and plants.

“The Spotted Lanternfly is becoming a big problem in the Northeast, and it will continue to spread,” said Potzler. “It can be devastating for agriculture and is a nuisance for homeowners.”

The egg masses look like a smear of mud on trees and outside of homes. It’s important to scrape the egg mass off, put it in a bag with rubbing alcohol and throw it away, and then call the state department of agriculture.

The infamous “Murder Hornet,” also known as the Asian giant hornet, grabbed many headlines, causing homeowners to panic trying to decipher the difference between stinging insects in their yards and this aggressive species. The Asian giant hornet is the largest hornet species in the world, growing up to 3 inches in length. Currently, the Asian giant hornet has only been found in the Pacific Northwest.

“We know that there was one colony found and eliminated in Washington State,” said Sebring. “Unfortunately, if there is one, there will be more.”

While your chances of being stung by an Asian giant hornet are fairly low, the sting can be dangerous as the venom volume is higher, causing more pain. The hives are primarily built underground or in hollows in trees. If you suspect it is an Asian giant hornet or any stinging pests, call your pest management provider to assess the situation as soon as you spot activity.

Seasonal Guide to Pest Infestations

Rodents are a common seasonal pest in Des Moines IA - Springer Professional Home Services

Everyone knows that pests are common in the spring and summer months, but what about in the fall and winter? Infestations actually can spike in the colder parts of the year as pests look to take shelter inside your property. To better prepare yourself for a possible infestation, it’s important to know which pests are common during certain parts of the year. Here in Iowa, we experience pest problems all year long. With information from the NPMA, the team at Springer Professional Home Services is here to share all you need to know about pest seasonality in Des Moines.

Fall and Winter Pest Problems

Our winter months are forecasted to get heavy snowfall this year. According to the NPMA, “Above-average snowfall in the northern part of this region may drive rodents indoors in search of shelter. The mild summer and winter forecast could increase cluster fly activity indoors.” Other pest problems to expect in the fall and winter months ahead include cockroaches and spiders. Because pests will want to shelter indoors to escape our cold temperatures, it’s important to protect your home from them entering.

Winter pests in the North Central United States map

Spring Pests in Iowa

Pest activity springs back into action once winter comes to an end. Blooming flowers, warming temperatures, and heavy rainfall encourages pests of all kinds to resume activity and reproduce. Here’s the ones to keep an eye out for:

  • Termites. Every spring, termites leave their nests to mate and start new colonies. This is called “swarming”.
  • Ants. Certain ant species will forage for food in the warmer months. Rainy weather also drives ants out of their colonies and into homes for shelter.
  • Bed Bugs. While these are a year-round problem, increased traveling in the springtime always leads to an increase in bed bug activity.

Summertime Pest Infestations

The summer months in Iowa bring about a lot of pest activity. Summer temperatures cause many types of pest colonies to mature and grow in size. Stay on the lookout for the following pests:

  • Mosquitoes. These parasitic insects lay more eggs in the summer and tend to be our biggest pest problem this time of year.
  • Stinging insects. Wasps, bees, and hornets are at full force in the summertime. They can build nests near residential areas.
  • Flies. Summer is the peak breeding season for flies. They are infamous for being a nuisance at outdoor summer events.

Seasonal Pest Problems in Des Moines

The nature of our climate year-round leads  It’s important to know which pests to keep your eye out for in order to prevent a seasonal pest problem. At Springer, our residential and commercial exterminators can work with you to ensure you are protected from pests all year long. Call us today!

Pest Control Services: DIY vs Professional

Mouse traps are a common DIY pest control method in Des Moines IA. Learn more from Springer Professional Home Services.

Everyone has tried their hand at DIY pest control at one point or another. Perhaps you sprayed a vinegar solution on ants, placed rat traps, or bought a spray for roaches. Even if these solutions worked for a short amount of time, they rarely work when you’re dealing with a large-scale pest problem. Unfortunately, at-home remedies for pests are unreliable, timely, and can even be more expensive than you think. For quick, effective, and guaranteed results, it’s always best to use a professional exterminator such as Springer Professional Home Services. Read on for info on the pros and cons of DIY vs. professional pest control here in Des Moines IA!

DIY Pest Control Effectiveness

If you have just a few pests in your home or business, DIY or store-bought products will likely do the trick. However, if the pest problem persists or gets worse, these same methods will likely not do you any good. Doing your own pest control comes with a number of risks. First of all, do-it-yourself methods simply won’t work to control more dangerous pests such as termites, bed bugs, rodents, carpenter ants, and more. These pests are tricky to get rid of without the help of a professional.

In addition, a lot of store-bought products are laden with chemicals that can be dangerous for your family if applied incorrectly. These products also rarely come with a guarantee or warranty on their effectiveness. Bottom line, you can’t rely on DIY pest control in the long term.

Why Hire a Professional Exterminator?

A professional pest control company might seem like something you don’t need…until you deal with your first major infestation! Some of the benefits of professional pest control are: 

  1. An experienced exterminator has the knowledge and experience to tackle any current infestation you have. In addition, they have an understanding of the behaviors and habits of pests, making it easier for them to control any problems quickly and efficiently.
  2. With a focus on IPM practices, they can also work to prevent future problems. As often as possible, a professional will use environmentally-responsible products that are always applied safely and effectively with little invasion or disruption to your daily life.
  3. If you choose to invest in regular pest control services, your exterminator will work with you to develop a customized pest control plan suited to the unique needs of your home in your region!

When to Call an Exterminator

DIY pest control might sound like a good idea at the time, but it rarely delivers the results you need. To protect your property from pests all year long, a professional exterminator can make sure you never have to resort to DIY pest control methods again. For more information, contact the team at Springer today!

Keep Your Home Pest-Free This Winter

A rodent is one of the many common winter pests that invade central Iowa homes each year - Springer Professional Home Services

Many people think that pest infestations only happen in the spring and summer, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. Just like us, pests and insects seek out shelter and warmth in the colder months, which is why winter infestations are more common than you may think. Rodents, cockroaches, and even bed bugs are just a few of the many pests known to stick around in the winter months. To avoid the frustration of a pest infestation during the holiday season, keep reading for Springer’s top tips for preventing winter pests!

Winter Pest Problems in Iowa

If you live in Iowa, you know that pest infestations are a fact of life year-round. During the winter, many bugs and insects may seemingly disappear to not return again until the springtime. However, some pests will invade homes this time of year in search of food and shelter. The most common winter pest problems are from:

  • Rodents (rats & mice): The house mouse and Norway rat will easily squeeze their way indoors to escape the cold.
  • Bed bugs: Known to withstand extreme temperatures, bed bug infestations are common in the winter months.
  • Spiders: House spiders as well as black widows are often found indoors in dark, secluded corners.
  • German cockroaches: These common roaches hitchhike inside and can spread quickly throughout your home.

Pest-Proofing Your Home in the Winter

In order to prevent winter pests, it’s important to learn how to protect your home. Exclusion is one of the most reliable forms of pest control, as it denies pests access into your home in the first place! By sealing cracks and crevices around your property, you’re able to stop pests and insects from getting indoors. Further preventative measures include placing screens over vents and chimneys, storing firewood away from the home, fixing any moisture problems, and generally keeping a clean and tidy environment to discourage pests.

Winter Pest Control Services

Winter pest problems are a serious threat to homeowners. The best way to go about preventing winter pests is to safeguard your home against them! If you’ve done all you can to keep insects and other pests out of your home in the winter but are still experiencing issues, it’s time to call the experts at Springer Professional Home Services!