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Seasonal Pest Control

Serving Des Moines | Cedar Rapids | Davenport

Pest problems pop up all at different times of year here in the Des Moines area. Each season comes with its own new visitors, and most of them require different preventative measures to keep away. Having served our community for over 30 years, the pest control experts at Springer Professional Home Services have seen it all. That’s why we’ve been Central Iowa’s trusted choice for seasonal pest control for homes and businesses since 1989.

Want to learn more about seasonal pests in the Des Moines area? Below you’ll find our guide to which pests you can expect in which season, and what you should know about them.

How Do I Get Rid of Clover Mites?

How to Get Rid of
Stink Bugs

Why Do We See More Spiders in the Fall?

Say Goodbye to
Boxelder Bugs!

Spring Pests in Iowa

With the blooming flowers and longer days comes a huge swell in pest populations. Spring is a common time for insects to breed and proliferate as conditions become more suitable for all kinds of life. These three pests in particular make their marks in the spring:
  • Ants: All kinds of ants start to come out once the temperatures rise again. They’re after food and moisture, so make sure that your food is put away and sealed properly, and your house is dry and properly ventilated.
  • Bees: They are crucial contributors to their local ecosystems, but bees get a bad reputation due to their painful stings. If you have emerging in spring, eastern subterranean termites are seasonal pests in iowa, but springer can help control thembees buzzing about in your flower beds, try to leave them alone, and they probably won’t see you as a threat.
  • Termites: Although termites are active all year round, they swarm in the spring, meaning that they will be looking for new sources of food and shelter. If you’re noticing tiny winged termites around your home, consider calling your local termite exterminator to check for an infestation.
  • Clover Mites: If you’ve ever seen a tiny red dot moving around, there’s a good chance it was a clover mite. The good news is that they don’t sting, bite, or transmit disease. The bad news is that they can still be very annoying — and they can linger through summer into fall. Learn more about how to get rid of clover mites here.

Summer Pests in Iowa

Everyone likes to spend more time outside in the summer, but no one likes returning from a day outdoors with more pests waiting for you at home. Here are some pests that you’ll need to watch out for come summertime:
  • Mosquitoes: Wherever you find standing water in the summer, you’ll probably find mosquitoes. They hide out in wooded areas and lay their eggs on still water, so if you’re going to be around either, bring an EPA-approved insect repellent.
  • Wasps: In the summer, wasps start to construct their nests, so they are particularly territorial. They sting to defend their nest, so if you find one around your house, contact a wasp removal specialist to have it removed safely.
  • Ticks: About 95% of Lyme disease cases are contracted during the summer months. If you’re going to be walking through tall grass, check your skin after for any ticks. Be sure to examine your dogs after walks, too.

Fall Pests in Iowa

As summer temperatures decline, bugs are hardwired to look for a place to hide for the winter. For many Iowa homeowners, this means your attics, vents, walls, and cluttered corners. You’ll probably start to see these critters during the fall season:
  • Boxelder bugs: Like many others around this time, boxelder bugs are just looking for a warmer place to hang out. They don’t sting or carry disease, but they can be an unwelcome presence in larger numbers.
  • Stink bugs: Known for their wretched odor, stinkbugs are a widely disliked insect. Keeping a tidy house and yard eliminates areas that they might find shelter, and doubles as a preventative method for many other kinds of insects.
  • Spiders: Unlike the majority of other pests, spiders’ mating season is in the fall. They are attracted to uninterrupted, dusty corners, where they can find shelter and other insect populations to feed on.

Winter Pests in Iowa

Even as most wildlife seems to come to a halt, pests are still on the move during the winter. Some of the more resilient creatures in the Des Moines area take on the more harsh conditions with ease. Here are three pests that you might deal with during the coldest months of the year: 
  • Mice: When it’s too cold to thrive outside, mice and other rodents seek shelter in our houses. They might find room in your garage, attic, crawl spaces, or walls for a new home. Listen for crawling and rustling sounds in your walls – it’s usually a sign of mice.
  • Cockroaches: Notorious for their adaptability, cockroaches will set up shop anywhere that they can find food. Keep your house clean and food packed away, because a cockroach infestation could mean that your family is vulnerable to diseases that they carry.
  • Bed bugs: Holiday travel is often associated with the spread of bed bugs. They latch onto our clothes or suitcases and happily take refuge in our homes. If you find bed bugs in your room, contact an exterminator right away.

Year Round Pest Control You Can Count On

At any point in the year that you’re experiencing a pest outbreak, you can rely on your local pest control experts at Spring Professional Home Services. We train our technicians to deal with a wide range of infestations that Iowa homeowners experience every year. If you’re ready to put a stop to pests, reach out today for a free quote!

Seasonal Pest Control – Exterminators – Removal in Des Moines

Serving Central Iowa since 1989

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