Termites vs. Flying Ants

Carpenter ants are frequently confused with termites in Des Moines IA - Learn how to tell them apart with expert info from Springer Professional Home Services!

Spring is right around the corner, meaning it’s nearly swarming season. Flying ants, also known as carpenter ants, are one of the biggest threats this time of year. They are second, though, to the dangers of termites! Both of these wood-destroying insects may be damaging, but termites are more of a threat to property owners throughout Des Moines. They are also often confused for each other, as they look quite similar as swarmers. It’s important to learn how to tell them apart. For more info on termites vs. flying ants, keep reading for expert tips from the termite exterminators at Springer Professional Home Services!

What do Termites vs. Flying Ants Look Like?

It can be easy to confuse these two wood-destroying insects, but there are a couple of key differences to make note of:

  1. Carpenter ant swarmers are black in color or occasionally red. Carpenter ants measure 1/2″–5/8″ with antenna bent at a 45-degree angle. Their wings are translucent with a reddish brown hue, laying over the posterior of the ant. Carpenter ant swarmers are bigger than termite swarmers!
  2. Termite swarmers are black to brown in color and measure 3/8″ long including the wings. Their wings are a translucent to slightly milky or smoky color. Their wings may overlap, and are typically as long as or slightly longer than the body; this is the best way to differentiate them from carpenter ants.

Winged ant vs. termite in Des Moines IA - Springer Professional Home Services

Wood-Destroying Insect Behavior

Carpenter ants establish nests in wood that is already in decay, and later expand into sound wood, insulation, or wall voids. Galleries excavated by carpenter ants appear to have been sanded down. For the most part, carpenter ant damage does not amount to the potential damage of a termite infestation.

On the other hand, termites make their way into a structure around basement windows, doorways, porches, or any other area of the property in contact with soil. Grown colonies can range from 60,000 to over a million workers and can consume nearly 5 grams of wood per day. Because their colonies can grow to such massive numbers, termites are considered much more dangerous than carpenter ants.

How to Get Rid of Termites & Carpenter Ants

If you’ve discovered the signs of termites or flying ants, it’s time to call a termite exterminator. The team at Springer knows how distressing these insects can be, and work to keep you, your family, and your home protected from them all year long. For more information on how we can keep you free of termites and carpenter ants, give our team a call!

FAQ About Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants in Iowa - Springer Professional Home Services

Carpenter ants are unlike your typical house ant in a number of ways. This species is known to be bigger, and definitely more dangerous. But why? True to their name, carpenter ants are infamous for damaging the wood. In fact, carpenter ants are oftentimes confused for termites, especially when they swarm. Due to the dangers, they pose to your home, it’s crucial to learn how to recognize the signs of carpenter ants, as well as how to keep them out of your home entirely. Keep reading to learn more about this dangerous ant species with the experts at Springer.

Are Carpenter Ants Dangerous?

In spite of their size, carpenter ants are not out to attack you or your family. That being said, they do have rather large jaws that they use to chew through wood. Those same jaws can be used to bite any potential threats to the ant, including you, your family, or your pets. Carpenter ant bites aren’t common and are essentially harmless. The pain caused by a carpenter ant bite is similar to that of a bee sting. While it’s important to protect yourself and your family from carpenter ants, your home is at greater risk of harm from their presence.

Can Carpenter Ants Damage My Home?

Yes, carpenter ants are known for their potentially damaging habits. Carpenter ants chew away at the wood in and around your home. This includes but is not limited to trees, sheds, siding, and furniture as well as the structure of your home (support beams, roofing, etc.). Carpenter ants do not work as quickly as termites, but if you believe you may have an infestation, it’s important to address it as soon as possible. The longer the problem goes unaddressed, the more damage your home is likely to suffer.

Signs You Have Carpenter Ants

Ants are fairly common throughout the United States, so don’t be alarmed if you spot one or two throughout the spring and summer. You could potentially have a carpenter ant problem if you struggle with them in your home during the fall and winter months. Winged ants should also be considered a red flag as these are a sign of swarmer carpenter ants. Winged carpenter ants often resemble termites, so if you are unsure of what pest you are facing, it’s best to call a professional pest control company.

How Can I Get Rid of Carpenter Ants?

You can address your carpenter ant problem with baits, traps, and pesticides; however, these treatments will not attack the root of the issue. Always contact a local pest control professional for help getting rid of carpenter ants. In addition to treating your property, you can learn how to prevent these ants in the first place:

  • Eliminate any contact between your home and soil or mulch.
  • Trim trees and shrubbery around your home.
  • Seal cracks in your siding, foundation, and roofing.
  • Store firewood in an elevated area away from your home.
  • Properly dispose of yard waste.

Help With Carpenter Ants in Iowa

If you’re struggling with a carpenter ant infestation, contact Springer for residential pest control services. Springer has been a leading pest control agency in the Des Moines area for decades. Our trained technicians will be able to evaluate your situation and provide treatment to rid you of those ants forever!