Living in the Midwest has its perks and it also has its fair share of disadvantages.
I was recently out on a spring evening turkey hunt just south of the Des Moines metropolitan area when it dawned on me… I was just bit by the 1st mosquito of the season. But isn’t it too early?! The answer is no! The mosquitoes are becoming active already.
After a somewhat mild winter, the arrival of spring came quite early this year. Record high temperatures in March and ample rainfall in April are prime ingredients for heavy mosquito traffic in the near future.
Did you know that a mosquito can complete its lifecycle from egg to adulthood within as little as 4 days?
(Obviously, this is under ideal conditions…however, most still complete the cycle within 2 weeks). Female mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at one time, and on average each female will lay eggs up to 3 times before dying. After only 2 days as an adult, a female mosquito is able to bite.
Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, in fact…you have never been bitten by a male mosquito. It is the females that bite (weird, right?!). Females bite us because they need our blood to help develop their eggs. Once she’s had her fill of blood, she’ll rest for a couple of days before laying her eggs.
What do birdbaths, old tires, drainage ditches, and kids’ toys all have in common?
They are all areas that can potentially hold water, hence they are all areas that mosquitoes can breed and reproduce! Eliminating these areas to the best of your ability is the 1st step in taking back your yard this summer.
Call Springer Professional Home Services to assist you in an effective mosquito control program this season. Springer Pest Control Technicians are all state-certified and undergo continuing education through their onboard entomologist. You can rest assure that you will be greeted at your door by a professional, that is there to help you address any issues that you may be having, and to use integrated pest management practices to get you and your family back outside and enjoying the beautiful weather this summer.
Have a pest problem? We can help!
It’s Skeeter Season in Des Moines
Serving Central Iowa since 1989